Profil użytkownika ankurtg

ankurtg napisał(a) o: ankurtg
Requiem for a Dream (2000)

Near the end of the movie, I was feeling a strong physical discomfort. After the credits stopped rolling, I understood. I needed to blink.

ankurtg skomentował(a): ankurtg

New view to a hackneyed storyline. Visually appealing though not extremely stimulating. Worth a watch. (ankurtg)

I didn't know there's a short version. In fact, I find it rather hard to imagine something being cut from the 1hr 19mins that I saw without making things incoherent. Metropia sounds interesting... I'll see if I can find it.
ankurtg opublikował(a) recenzję filmu: ankurtg

9 (2009)

We've had a lot of the "man-machine battle in the future", and "the importance of human emotions". The movie beautifully presents a new angle to it, though probably not new enough to write home about. Clichés